Ask any successful marketer 'how to promote a product or service effectively and achieve revenue goals', and they'll tell you success starts with understanding your audience and the ability to provide a personalised experience to your prospects and customers.
Marketing success now goes beyond traditional methods. Automated experiences that improve customer engagement across the customer lifecycle are crucial to business growth. From initial research and awareness to brand advocacy and beyond, growth marketing is the future of business success.
How can organisations increase lead generation, conversions, and create seamless and efficient marketing processes? The answer is with Marketing Automation.
From optimising your time to optimising which prospects or customers your sales team focus their efforts on, the scope of Marketing Automation goes way beyond merely automating repetitive tasks.
At this Online Executive Event a panel of experts will show you how to exploit the advantage of Marketing Automation and enable you to:
This executive event is exclusively for you who are leaders in organisations looking to deploy marketing automation, or who currently have Marketing Automation but don’t yet know how to maximise the capabilities. So far Bonnierförlagen, Orango, Autoliv, Mekonomen Group, Svenskt Näringsliv, J Bil & TePe has secured their spot.
Please note that this event is limited to 12 guests and is free of charge for the participants.
Mats Gustafsson, CEO & Founder @ Wednesday Relations
Mark Donkin, Sales and Marketing Director @ Youwe
Anthony Konarski, Marketing Technology Consultant @ Youwe
- an opportunity to contribute with your thoughts and questions
Karl Horton, Head of Experience and Creative @ Youwe
- an opportunity to contribute with your thoughts and questions
Steve Hoyle, Head of Operations @ Youwe and Mark Donkin
- an opportunity to contribute with your thoughts and questions
"Good mix of companies, great topics and useful packaging. The approach provides a mixture of bonding, updating and benchmark / exchange of experience."
"Very relevant people joined and openly shared their achivements as well as concerns."
Mark is the Sales and Marketing Director at Youwe, one of Europe’s leading full service digital agencies. With over 20 years experience in Sales/Marketing technology and digital strategy consulting, Mark has helped a range of clients achieve their revenue growth goals.
Karl has been with Youwe for 7 years, helping customers create better experiences for their customers’ through better use of persona development, content marketing, marketing automation and other emerging technology.
Steve is a B2B Marketing Operations expert. He has 20+ years’ experience of delivering marketing projects – both client and agency side. At Youwe, Steve is responsible for the delivery of all Marketing Automation and Digital Marketing projects for clients across Europe. Steve has successfully managed the 100+ Marketo projects over the past 5 years including implementations, strategic roadmaps, consulting projects and end-user training. Steve is passionate about delivering marketing projects that help businesses to achieve their sale and marketing goals.
Anthony has extensive experience working in B2B marketing operations and has over 6 years of experience in Marketing Automation Platforms primarily from the client side and recently transitioning to agency side. At Youwe, Anthony is primarily involved in understanding a client’s needs and requirements and from those conversations bringing a solution into reality through technology and strategy to best meet those goals.
Mats founded Wednesday Relations 2002 and have extended experience in marketing, sales, digital business and CRM. Mats has worked in line-positions within marketing and sales in Sweden and worldwide. Together with Wednesday Relations, Mats has created a lot of conferences and seminars, and is also a very popular and well-experienced moderator.
Hi, we are Youwe. We are an ISO 27001 certified full-service digital agency. With more than 220 of the best developers, designers, digital marketers, and strategists, we create our customers' online successes. From our offices in the Netherlands, Ukraine, the UK, the Nordics, and Asia our teams always work side by side with our customers.
Marketo Engage, as part of Adobe Experience Cloud, offers the solution of choice for lead management and B2B marketing professionals seeking to transform customer experiences by engaging across every stage of complex buying journeys. Natively supporting both lead and account-based marketing strategies, Marketo Engage brings together marketing and sales in a comprehensive solution designed to orchestrate personalised experiences, optimise content, and measure business impact across every channel, from consideration to conversion and beyond. To learn more about Marketo Engage, the vast community of passionate marketers in the Marketing Nation, and our robust partner ecosystem, visit: www.marketo.com.