Thank you for joining Marketing Automation Day!
Here you can find all of the respective Presentations:
Join Jo as she discusses the trends that she sees with her customers every day. And as she highlights some of the key considerations that marketers around the world are prioritising, think of how you could adopt some of these changes into your own organisations.
In this talk, thought leader in Omnichannel Marketing Automation, Rasmus Houlind from Agillic, will once and for all set straight the nature of and the difference between segmentation and personalization and what this means for your Customer Experience, the results you create and how you work most efficiently.
Data is at the core of marketing automation. It serves as the basis for personalisation, alignment within the organisation and reporting. At the same time, data quality represents one of the main obstacles marketing automation professionals face today.
Swedish-based Telge Energi is known as a frontrunner in supplying consumers with green energy and outstanding service. In this session you’ll hear directly from Martech Communication Strategist, Jessica Alenadaf how they made this happen, which challenges they have had to overcome and which they see in the future.
Marketing and Sales alignment is not a new topic, and yet very few, big and small, organizations practice it. Starting small can have a big impact in bridging the two teams together. Although the Marketing Automation position is mostly technical, that does not mean that you can’t challenge your coworkers before launching a campaign. Most of the time, marketing and sales are your best sparring partners helping you excel in your work.
Are you looking to roll out Marketing Automation in your business? Or are you finding that your Marketing Automation platform isn’t delivering everything it promised?
In this talk, Anthony and Andrew will outline 5 fundamental steps you will need to take to ensure you get the most out of a Marketing Automation platform of any size from Mailchimp to Marketo.
"Att utbilda och föreläsa hos Wednesday Relations är oerhört värdefullt för mig. De har en stor och bra medlemsbas och är duktiga på att nå rätt målgrupp vilket gör att eventen alltid har spännande deltagare från namnkunniga företag. Wednesday Relations har skapat en oerhört stark community inom CRM, CX och lojalitet och det är ett sant nöje att få vara del av deras utbildningsplattform och community."
"Certified Social Media Manager spände hela vägen från strategi till genomförande och från målgruppsanalyser till kanalval. Utbildningen gav mig många bra tips hur man ska arbeta med tekniken och digitala verktyg. Det väckte mitt intresse att fortsätta vidareutveckla mig inom området."
”Certified CRM & Loyalty Manager är en heltäckande utbildning inom CRM med ett trevligt upplägg och grymma föreläsare. På kort tid kom jag till insikter som annars skulle tagit mig åratal”