Artificial Intelligence in Marketing – A revolution under the Surface

9 oktober 2018

Gustav Rengby is one of our guest speakers at our Experience Group within AI for Marketing. We asked Gustav to describe what is happening in the development of AI marketing solutions:

Artificial Intelligence has become the next big trend since it became obvious that Big Data meant too much data for the human eye. A trend further fueled of the emergence of self-driving cars and the recent development in image recognition and chatbots has put AI on everyone’s lips. These are all potentially disruptive new techniques that may affect the business in the foundation.
There has however been a slower yet very potential trend when it comes to automatization of customer relationship management where AI models replaces the old blunt but versatile segmentation models of RFM, Product Propensity models and different group profiles.

The recipe of AI is all about applying machine learning algorithms with large amounts of both aggregated historic attributes and real-time attributes close to the specific application and letting the models retrain automatically.

The models adapt by itself to new circumstances regarding market logic, the way you digitally represent your business and how your business process works which means that you can predict your customer behavior to a greater certainty and still end up with a lower maintenance of your segmentation models.

This revolution is slowly becoming more potent each day as your organization is moving in the digital transformation. But the quantum leaps appear when you apply the self-learning AI for each specific point in your customer journeys.

In the Experience Group Gustav will present a case with one of his customers Boxer, have a look at the video to get inspired. 

Here you find more information about the Experience Group: AI for Marketing


Mats Gustafsson

(+46)8 - 642 21 90


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